As Singapore’s 57th birthday rounds the corner, we at TTA want to celebrate the best of Singapore with you. And what better way to celebrate as a learning centre than Singapore’s splendid education system?
What makes Singapore’s education special and successful?
As all of you are probably familiar with, Singapore provides multiple learning pathways for Singaporean students based on their learning abilities and interests. Students are streamed into 3 levels after the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) into the Express, Normal Technical, and Normal Academic streams based on the scores they obtained during PSLE. With 3 different pathways, students learn at a speed best suited to their learning abilities, and can therefore learn in an optimal learning environment.
Mastering Core Subjects
In Singapore, our education system is focused on teaching practical and subject-specific knowledge. Teachers teach closely to the textbook, and students learn exam-specific answers with targeted information. This is one of the reasons why Singapore students constantly rank high in international tests. For example, Singapore’s 15-year-olds topped all The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test subjects, such as Mathematics, Science and Reading in 2016, ahead of other countries like Japan and China.
Quality of Teachers
Something unique to Singapore is the effort made to cultivate and hire teachers of the top quality for the nation’s children. Only the top 5% of Singapore graduates, the cream of the crop in Singapore, are eligible to teach in public schools, and have to undergo training at the National Institute of Education (NIE) before they start teaching. Teachers are also given high salaries to attract the top talent to join our Singapore schools.
Constant Revision of Teaching Styles and Curriculum
In order to keep up with the changing times and mindsets, Singapore’s education curriculum is constantly updated. Our education system has been through 4 revisions since 1965, with the most recent one being changes to the PSLE scoring system.
A Culture of Learning
In Singapore, it is not only the child who is involved in learning. Our education system has also been designed to engage parents in their child’s studies through initiatives like Meet-the-Parent sessions where parents meet up with their child’s teachers to understand how their child is learning in school, and how they can further support their child in their learning journey. There is also respect upheld by the entire Singapore community for Teachers, and Singapore’s education system, where everyone is driven to help future generations learn and succeed.
As is often mentioned, the most important resource in natural-resource-scarce Singapore is ultimately our people. As such, the huge investment that our government and community have put into cultivating the next generation has made Singapore’s education system one worth boasting about in the world. With that, TTA wishes Singapore a Happy 57th Birthday!