/ Primary 5–6

Prepare for PSLE success


Our Pri­ma­ry 5 and 6 pro­grammes are unabashed­ly exam-cen­tric. The PSLE is a major mile­stone in your child’s aca­d­e­m­ic jour­ney. It is only nat­ur­al as par­ents to be con­cerned. We under­stand that and we are con­fi­dent we have the right game plan and teach­ers to guide your child towards PSLE suc­cess. Come on this jour­ney with us and expe­ri­ence for your­self why so many stu­dents are hooked onto the Think Teach dif­fer­ence.

Programme Outlines

Mouse over (or tap on mobile) each sub­ject to view more


The focus at this stage is to expose your child to every sin­gle exam­inable ques­tion that could pos­si­bly be test­ed in school exam­i­na­tions as well as the PSLE. Write short descrip­tion here Your child will go through inten­sive revi­sion and prac­tice to devel­op exam savvy and mas­ter how to use our smart tech­niques to score top marks for any and all exam­i­na­tions.

Content Coverage

— Sit­u­a­tion­al & Con­tin­u­ous Writ­ing
(Mas­ter Writ­ing Class Pro­gramme)
— Sit­u­a­tion­al Writ­ing & Paper 2
(Full Eng­lish Pro­gramme)
— Oral (Full Eng­lish Pro­gramme)
— TTA Smart Study Notes of Sig­na­ture Tech­niques


Exam excel­lence is the chief objec­tive dur­ing these two piv­otal years. Your child will be taught new top­ics for P5 and P6 and revise impor­tant top­ics from P3 and P4. Peri­od­i­cal­ly, hands-on exper­i­ments will be con­duct­ed to show­case impor­tant and chal­leng­ing con­cepts.

The key here is to attain a firm grasp of con­cepts under these top­ics and learn how to use our tem­plat­ed answer­ing struc­tures to score max­i­mum marks for Book­let B Appli­ca­tion Ques­tions.

Content Coverage

— MOE Pre­scribed Top­ics from P3 to P6
— Prac­tice Ques­tions for Book­let A (MCQ) and Book­let B (Appli­ca­tion Ques­tions)
— TTA Con­cept Notes
— TTA Tem­plat­ed Answer­ing Struc­tures for Book­let B


Con­cept mas­tery, prob­lem-solv­ing prowess and exten­sive prac­tice are the three pil­lars of suc­cess in PSLE Math­e­mat­ics. Our P5 and P6 pro­grammes are designed to reflect this phi­los­o­phy. P5 and P6 top­ics are taught first before a revis­it and revi­sion of P1 to P4 top­ics. 

A sound under­stand­ing of con­cepts from these top­ics is key. In addi­tion, your child will be exposed to a com­pre­hen­sive range of word prob­lems of var­i­ous com­plex­i­ty, and learn how to apply the most effi­cient heuris­tics to solve them with ease.

Content Coverage

— MOE Pre­scribed Top­ics from P1 to P6
— Prac­tice Ques­tions for Papers 1 and 2
— TTA Smart Study Notes of Sig­na­ture Tech­niques


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