/ Primary

Journey together with us towards PSLE success

Our sig­na­ture pri­ma­ry school pro­grammes address the needs of par­ents and stu­dents at every mile­stone of a child’s jour­ney towards PSLE suc­cess. Two main goals are achieved at two stages of pri­ma­ry school enrich­ment. 

We focus on inspir­ing and sup­port­ing your child’s aca­d­e­m­ic inter­ests in Pri­ma­ry 3 and 4. Two years of pri­ma­ry school edu­ca­tion with us then cul­mi­nates in two years of prepar­ing and push­ing for PSLE suc­cess in Pri­ma­ry 5 and 6.


Discover a love
for learning

Our Pri­ma­ry 1 and 2 pro­grammes focus on lay­ing the right foun­da­tion for more advanced learn­ing in lat­er years. Activ­i­ties filled with enthralling and relat­able con­tent are incor­po­rat­ed into every les­son to not only make con­cepts eas­i­ly under­stand­able but also imbue a sense of won­der with your child so as to kick­start his or her love for learn­ing.


Igniting and developing
academic interests

Our Pri­ma­ry 3 and 4 pro­grammes will intro­duce exam-tak­ing skills and lay the right foun­da­tion for con­tent and con­cept mas­tery so that your child will be pre­pared for the steep ascend to Pri­ma­ry 5 when it comes. More impor­tant­ly, our Pri­ma­ry 3 and 4 pro­grammes are designed to engage, enrich and excite your child so as to ignite and devel­op his or her inter­est in one or more sub­jects.


Prepare for
PSLE success

Our Pri­ma­ry 5 and 6 pro­grammes are unabashed­ly exam-cen­tric. Your child will under­go a PSLE prepa­ra­tion jour­ney that promis­es to be rig­or­ous and inten­sive. He or she will be expect­ed to com­plete count­less tai­lored prac­tices and learn to apply our smart scor­ing tech­niques that are avail­able for the mul­ti­tude of com­mon­ly-test­ed ques­tion types under Eng­lish, Chi­nese, Math­e­mat­ics and Sci­ence.

Send an enquiry

We welcome all enquiries. Please fill in the form below to submit your enquiry. Alternatively, you may also call us at +65 9769 2396.