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think teach academy

The Think Teach Story

Think Teach Acad­e­my was born out of a shared vision to rev­o­lu­tionise learn­ing and teach­ing in Sin­ga­pore with a unique blend of edu­ca­tion that trans­forms young minds into thinkers of tomor­row.

At Think Teach, stu­dents are sup­port­ed to dream big and empow­ered to think smart. Through a cur­ricu­lum that chal­lenges and under teach­ers that inspire, stu­dents grow to fall in love with learn­ing and believe in their poten­tial to achieve suc­cess with­in and beyond the class­room.



Algene LL.B. (Hons) LL.M.

Co-Founder, Chief Education Officer

Algene is a for­mer prac­tis­ing lawyer and a dou­ble-degree hold­er from the Sin­ga­pore Man­age­ment Uni­ver­si­ty (SMU) upon grad­u­at­ing from Anglo-Chi­nese Junior Col­lege. He was a proud recip­i­ent of the pres­ti­gious Uni­ver­si­ty Schol­ars Pro­gramme Schol­ar­ship, a dean’s lis­ter as well as a win­ner of count­less of com­pe­ti­tions and awards in Law.

While Algene topped his Mas­ter of Laws cohort and went on to prac­tise law in two ‘Big Four’ law firms in Sin­ga­pore, he knew that teach­ing was always his fore­most pas­sion. This call­ing even­tu­al­ly led to a career switch and Algene found him­self teach­ing at a top gov­ern­ment school before set­ting up Think Teach Acad­e­my.

Upon found­ing Think Teach, Algene’s desire to shape and empow­er stu­dents only grew. He is a firm believ­er that smart study­ing strate­gies are the keys to aca­d­e­m­ic suc­cess. He has spear­head­ed the cur­ricu­lum and devel­op­ment team to pro­duce teach­ing and les­son mate­ri­als that reflect this very belief. Algene is always in search of nov­el and inno­v­a­tive ways to improve the stu­dent expe­ri­ence. It is his fer­vour for inspir­ing young minds that spurs him and noth­ing makes him hap­pi­er than see­ing a stu­dent enabled to suc­ceed and empow­ered to excel.

Boon Heng

Dr. Boon Heng B.Eng.(Hons) M.Eng. Ph.D.

Director of Pedagogy and Operations

Dr. Boon attend­ed Impe­r­i­al Col­lege Lon­don under a high­ly com­pet­i­tive SAF schol­ar­ship where he com­plet­ed his under­grad­u­ate and post­grad­u­ate stud­ies in Mate­ri­als Sci­ence and Nuclear Engi­neer­ing. After serv­ing as a naval offi­cer with the Repub­lic of Sin­ga­pore Navy for close to 6 years, Dr Boon embarked on and com­plet­ed a PhD in Engi­neer­ing with the Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Sin­ga­pore. As a PhD can­di­date, he was award­ed the pres­ti­gious NUS Grad­u­ate School for Inte­gra­tive Sci­ences & Engi­neer­ing (NGS) PhD Schol­ar­ship for research of pas­si­vat­ed con­tact solar cells sup­port­ed by the Nation­al Research Foun­da­tion, Prime Min­is­ter’s Office Sin­ga­pore.

Dr. Boon has since joined the stel­lar team at Think Teach Acad­e­my. He leads the aca­d­e­m­ic team in the plan­ning and exe­cu­tion of the acad­e­my’s edu­ca­tion­al philoso­phies, ped­a­gogy and cur­ricu­lum. Dr Boon believes in incul­cat­ing in every stu­dent the abil­i­ty to think and learn smart, and the devel­op­ment of teach­ers to teach smart. Togeth­er with the aca­d­e­m­ic man­age­ment team, Dr. Boon ensures excel­lent exe­cu­tion of all pro­grammes, with high qual­i­ty class expe­ri­ences and les­son mate­ri­als for stu­dents.

Shou Yee B.B.M. (Hons) B.Sc (Econs) (Hons)

Co-Founder, Director of Corporate Strategy

Shou Yee is an alum­nus of the Sin­ga­pore Man­age­ment Uni­ver­si­ty (SMU), hav­ing grad­u­at­ed with a dou­ble-degree from the pres­ti­gious Lee Kong Chi­an Schol­ars Pro­gramme. Pri­or to SMU, Shou Yee stud­ied at Raf­fles Junior Col­lege and was in the pio­neer batch of the Raf­fles Inte­grat­ed Pro­gramme. Com­ing out into the work­force, Shou Yee took on stints in eco­nom­ics research and invest­ment man­age­ment before he was recruit­ed to join UBS Wealth Man­age­ment via its Grad­u­ate Tal­ent Pro­gramme.

Shou Yee’s pen­chant for num­bers and data has enabled him to devel­op strate­gies to effec­tive­ly pin­point recur­ring trends in exam­i­na­tion ques­tions. Along with the Think Teach team, he intro­duced these into the spe­cial­ly-craft­ed syl­labus to help stu­dents visu­alise and decon­struct chal­leng­ing ques­tions so they may adopt the best solu­tion in their arse­nal. Shou Yee believes that keep­ing things sim­ple and engag­ing is a sure way to nur­tur­ing stu­dents’ con­fi­dence in any sub­ject. “As stu­dents gain con­fi­dence, they will make it a per­son­al goal to achieve bet­ter grades while grow­ing their love for the sub­ject even more,” relates Shou Yee who takes it upon him­self to ensure all stu­dents at Think Teach become pos­i­tive learn­ers and inde­pen­dent thinkers.

Genevieve B.B.M (Hons)

Head of Student Experience

Genevieve has an affin­i­ty for edu­ca­tion. She boasts a proud teach­ing pedi­gree, hav­ing come from a line of edu­ca­tors. Genevieve cut her teeth as a teacher in gov­ern­ment schools before join­ing pri­vate edu­ca­tion as a sci­ence teacher. She has since spent close to a decade in the pri­vate sec­tor hon­ing her exper­tise in sci­ence and tak­ing on var­i­ous lead­er­ship posi­tions in Think Teach.

As one of Think Teach’s longest serv­ing mem­bers, Genevieve has been apt­ly tasked with the respon­si­bil­i­ty of uphold­ing excel­lence in the acad­e­my. She works close­ly with man­age­ment as well as the aca­d­e­m­ic and client ser­vice teams to ensure the promi­nence of Think Teach’s iden­ti­ty and the qual­i­ty of the Think Teach expe­ri­ence.

Jeremy B.Sc. (Econs) (Hons)

Head of Parent Engagement

An Eco­nom­ics grad­u­ate from the Sin­ga­pore Man­age­ment Uni­ver­si­ty, Jere­my was a for­mer SAF Schol­ar and a cap­tain in the Repub­lic of Sin­ga­pore Navy before he decid­ed to embark on a career in edu­ca­tion with Think Teach.

Jere­my earned his chops by devot­ing time to shad­ow some of the very best teach­ers in the indus­try. When he was deemed ready, Jere­my took on the role as a pri­ma­ry lev­el Math and Sci­ence teacher at Think Teach. There was no look­ing back after. Jere­my quick­ly rose through the ranks and is now the key man of the academy’s pri­ma­ry pro­grammes. A short chat with Jere­my will reveal to you the rea­sons behind his mete­oric rise: his pas­sion and patience made him a favourite amongst stu­dents, and his will­ing­ness to go the extra mile warmed the hearts of par­ents.

Above all else, Jere­my is most proud of his role as a father of two tod­dlers whom he hopes will also expe­ri­ence the Think Teach dif­fer­ence and emerge as thinkers of tomor­row.

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