1. Information About Us

1.1 Think Teach Acad­e­my (the “Acad­e­my”)  is reg­is­tered in Sin­ga­pore under the Busi­ness Reg­is­tra­tion Num­ber 201833901W and with our reg­is­tered office at KAP Res­i­dences Mall, 9 King Albert Park #02–04 Sin­ga­pore 598332.

2. Rights of Think Teach Academy

2.1 The Acad­e­my reserves the right to can­cel the tuition ses­sion when nec­es­sary. In this case, a refund (full or pro rata) will be giv­en for fees paid.
2.2 The Acad­e­my accepts no lia­bil­i­ty for any per­son­al prop­er­ty or injury to a per­son.
2.3 The fees may be changed at any time and at the absolute dis­cre­tion of the Acad­e­my.
2.4 The Acad­e­my reserves the right to dis­miss any stu­dent from the tuition pro­gramme imme­di­ate­ly if he/she mis­be­haves, caus­ing severe dis­tur­bance to oth­er stu­dents or our staff. A let­ter of warn­ing may or may not be giv­en depend­ing on the sever­i­ty of activ­i­ty.

3. Your Status

3.1 By plac­ing an order through our site or on the tele­phone, you war­rant that: 

     3.1.1 You are legal­ly capa­ble of enter­ing into bind­ing con­tracts;

4. How the Contract is formed between You and Us

4.1 After plac­ing an online order, you will receive an e‑mail from us acknowl­edg­ing that we have received your order. Please note that this does not mean that your order has been accept­ed. All tele­phone and on-line orders are sub­ject to accep­tance by us, and we will con­firm such accep­tance to you via email.
4.2 Sub­ject­ed to actu­al avail­abil­i­ty, prod­uct orders may be replaced with alter­na­tives sub­ject­ed to a ver­bal or writ­ten con­fir­ma­tion with you. For prod­uct that can­not be replaced, we will con­tact you to give you the option to can­cel. If pay­ment has been made, you will be refund­ed of the amount paid.
4.3 You are oblig­ed to make pay­ment in FULL by the pay­ment option you select when you check out your orders.

5. Price and Payment

5.1 The price of any Prod­ucts will be as quot­ed on our site from time to time, except in cas­es of obvi­ous error.
5.2 Our site con­tains a large num­ber of Prod­ucts and it is always pos­si­ble that, despite our best efforts, some of the Prod­ucts list­ed on our site may be incor­rect­ly priced. If a Product’s cor­rect price is high­er than the price stat­ed on our site we might at our dis­cre­tion decide to hon­our the low­er (incor­rect) price or either con­tact you for instruc­tions before pro­cess­ing the pur­chase, or reject your order and noti­fy you of such rejec­tion.
5.3 We are under no oblig­a­tion to pro­vide the Prod­uct to you at the incor­rect (low­er) price even after we have pro­vid­ed you with an email con­fir­ma­tion.

6. Our Refunds Policy

6.1 Except for Clause 2 of this Terms and Con­di­tions, the Acad­e­my has a strict NO REFUND pol­i­cy.
6.2 Requests for refunds are usu­al­ly not accept­ed unless there are excep­tion­al cir­cum­stances behind such requests. These requests will then be sub­ject to man­age­ment approval on a case by case basis. If approved, there would be a 4% Stripe plat­form fee to be deduct­ed from the amount paid.

7. Waiver

7.1 If we fail, at any time dur­ing the term of a Con­tract, to insist upon the strict per­for­mance of any of your oblig­a­tions under the Con­tract or any of these Terms and Con­di­tions, or if we fail to exer­cise any of the rights or reme­dies to which we are enti­tled under the Con­tract, this shall not con­sti­tute a waiv­er of such rights or reme­dies and shall not relieve you from com­pli­ance with such oblig­a­tions.
7.2 A waiv­er by us of any default shall not con­sti­tute a waiv­er of any sub­se­quent default.
7.3 No waiv­er by us of any of these Terms and Con­di­tions shall be effec­tive unless it is express­ly stat­ed to be a waiv­er and is com­mu­ni­cat­ed to you in writ­ing.

8. Severability

8.1 If any of these Terms and Con­di­tions or any pro­vi­sions of a Con­tract are deter­mined by any com­pe­tent author­i­ty to be invalid, unlaw­ful or unen­force­able to any extent, such term, con­di­tion or pro­vi­sion will to that extent be sev­ered from the remain­ing terms, con­di­tions and pro­vi­sions which will con­tin­ue to be valid to the fullest extent per­mit­ted by law.

9. Entire Agreement

9.1 These Terms and Con­di­tions and any doc­u­ment express­ly referred to in them rep­re­sent the entire agree­ment between us in rela­tion to the sub­ject mat­ter of any Con­tract and super­sede any pri­or agree­ment, under­stand­ing or arrange­ment between us, whether oral or in writ­ing.
9.2 We each acknowl­edge that, in enter­ing into a Con­tract, nei­ther of us has relied on any rep­re­sen­ta­tion, under­tak­ing or promise giv­en by the oth­er and that noth­ing may be implied from any­thing said or writ­ten in nego­ti­a­tions between us pri­or to such Con­tract except as express­ly stat­ed in these Terms and Con­di­tions.
9.3 Nei­ther of us shall have any rem­e­dy in respect of any untrue state­ment made by the oth­er, whether oral­ly or in writ­ing, pri­or to the date of any Con­tract (unless such untrue state­ment was made fraud­u­lent­ly) and the oth­er party’s only rem­e­dy shall be for breach of con­tract as pro­vid­ed in these Terms and Con­di­tions.

10. Our Right to Vary these Terms and Conditions

10.1 We have the right to revise and amend these Terms and Con­di­tions from time to time.
10.2 You will be sub­ject to the Poli­cies and Terms and Con­di­tions in force at the time that you order Prod­ucts from us, unless any change to those Poli­cies or these Terms and Con­di­tions is required to be made by law or gov­ern­men­tal author­i­ty (in which case it will apply to orders pre­vi­ous­ly placed by you), or if we noti­fy you of the change to those Poli­cies or these Terms and Con­di­tions before we pro­vide you with the Dis­patch Con­fir­ma­tion (in which case we have the right to assume that you have accept­ed the change to the Terms and Con­di­tions, unless you noti­fy us to the con­trary with­in sev­en work­ing days of receipt by you of the Prod­ucts).

11. Law and Jurisdiction

11.1 Con­tracts for the pur­chase of Prod­ucts through our site will be gov­erned by the Law of Sin­ga­pore. Any dis­pute aris­ing from, or relat­ed to, such Con­tracts shall be sub­ject to the non-exclu­sive juris­dic­tion of the Courts of The Repub­lic of Sin­ga­pore.

Send an enquiry

We welcome all enquiries. Please fill in the form below to submit your enquiry. Alternatively, you may also call us at +65 9769 2396.