How we provide tailored teaching approach for our students

Our smart assessment approach is designed to complement Singapore's latest education reforms and support your child's development. Our approach accurately flags areas for improvement and suggests effective methods to correct those areas.

Over recent years, our Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion (MOE) has imple­ment­ed sev­er­al key edu­ca­tion reforms with the aim of reduc­ing the empha­sis on aca­d­e­m­ic results, divest­ing more time for stu­dents to devel­op holis­ti­cal­ly, har­ness­ing their skills & tal­ents. Teach­ers will have more time to design var­ied learn­ing expe­ri­ences, stu­dents will have high­er band­width to dis­cov­er their inter­ests & strengths.

For pri­ma­ry school stu­dents, a new 1PSLE Scor­ing Sys­tem was imple­ment­ed from 2021 which tran­si­tioned from the tra­di­tion­al, bell-curve mod­er­at­ed and fine­ly dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed T‑Score sys­tem to a less com­par­a­tive Achieve­ment Lev­el (AL) Band­ing frame­work. There has also been a grad­ual removal of tests and exam­i­na­tions, cul­mi­nat­ing with the most recent­ly announced 2removal of Mid-year Exam­i­na­tions across all lev­els from 2023. In addi­tion to these assess­ment-relat­ed reforms at the pri­ma­ry lev­el, 3Full Sub­ject-based Band­ing (FSBB) and sort­ing of pri­ma­ry stu­dents via 4Post­ing Groups for sec­ondary schools come in con­flu­ence with MOE’s vision of reduc­ing aca­d­e­m­ic empha­sis and elim­i­nat­ing fine com­par­isons. There has also been dis­cus­sions on a 5“through-train pro­gramme” for pri­ma­ry to sec­ondary school, bypass­ing the PSLE, albeit at its infan­cy stage.

Since our incep­tion, Think Teach Acad­e­my has believed in our ped­a­gogy of Think­ing Smart & Teach­ing Smart. An ever­green approach is to relent­less­ly pur­sue and exe­cute state-of-the-art stu­dent assess­ment meth­ods. From 2023, Think Teach Acad­e­my will be imple­ment­ing our Smart Assess­ment Approach, which fun­da­men­tal­ly aims to com­ple­ment MOE’s approach by reduc­ing the empha­sis on sum­ma­tive assess­ments.

2022 & Before: Our Former Assessment Approach

The for­mer MOE Sys­tem (2022 & Before) inher­ent­ly empha­sise on quar­ter­ly per­for­mance. It main­ly includes two for­ma­tive assess­ments (CA1 & CA2) and two sum­ma­tive assess­ments (SA1 & SA2) for all pri­ma­ry lev­els in the Aca­d­e­m­ic Year. Many par­ents have also been through this sys­tem of assess­ment. As stu­dents, we were high­ly pres­sured to per­form every 3 — 4 months for each assess­ment, and these assess­ments cov­ered mul­ti­ple top­ics and con­cepts from the respec­tive syl­labi in a cumu­la­tive fash­ion until the end-of-year exam­i­na­tions (SA2 or PSLE).

Think Teach Acad­e­my reg­u­lar­ly assessed stu­dents on their aca­d­e­m­ic apti­tude pri­or to each school assess­ment via four quar­ter­ly Inter­nal Assess­ments (I — IV), updat­ing par­ents on their child’s progress before every school termly assess­ment. This approach com­ple­ment­ed MOE’s approach then. Stu­dents could seek extra help and sup­port in areas where they fell short, lev­el­ing up to be well-pre­pared for their school’s quar­ter­ly assess­ments. Par­ents could get a rough sense of their child’s strengths and weak­ness­es, which were bench­marked via our quar­ter­ly stu­dent report cards.

From 2023: Our Smart Assessment Approach

With the com­plete removal of school CA1, CA2 and now 2Mid-year Exam­i­na­tions across all Pri­ma­ry Lev­els from 2023, stu­dents are instead assessed on their under­stand­ing and con­tent mas­tery through more spread out and less-intense weight­ed assess­ments, reg­u­lar assign­ments, quizzes and class­room inter­ac­tions.

Our Smart Assess­ment Approach is fun­da­men­tal­ly designed to assess our student’s apti­tude in a more spread-out and fre­quent man­ner. One key fea­ture is the Block Diag­nos­tic Quiz (BDQ) will be con­duct­ed at the end of every Block of 4 lessons, in a less for­mal way that quizzes stu­dents on top­ics cov­ered in the past three lessons. This will sup­port stu­dents in a more con­sis­tent and reg­u­lar fash­ion, prepar­ing them for their school’s for­ma­tive quizzes and weight­ed assess­ments as and when they may arise.

Anoth­er key fea­ture of the BDQ is its peg­ging of dif­fi­cul­ty lev­el to the PSLE. This is in con­flu­ence with MOE’s AL Band­ing Sys­tem, where there is no bell-curve or mod­er­a­tion of marks and grades from the actu­al sub­mit­ted exam­i­na­tion papers. This will allow par­ents to get raw and accu­rate feed­back on their child’s actu­al under­stand­ing and mas­tery of con­tent. Stu­dents and par­ents have been and will con­tin­ue to be reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed on their child’s per­for­mance every four weeks, giv­ing them an insight to their child’s apti­tude in a more fre­quent man­ner.

The soft launch of our Smart Assess­ment Approach was rolled out in the sec­ond half of 2022 for test­ing and feed­back from par­ents. We were glad to receive over­whelm­ing sup­port for this new assess­ment ini­tia­tive. Kelvin Ang, a pop­u­lar Dad­dy Blog­ger who runs Cheekiemonkie , and father to one of our beloved stu­dents Ale, had some­thing to say about our new assess­ment approach:

You can find out more from them here:

If you have fur­ther ques­tions or would like to speak with me per­son­al­ly, please feel free to con­tact me at or (+65) 8699 2396. We look for­ward to sup­port­ing your child as we tra­verse and adapt to the new edu­ca­tion philoso­phies for the nation.


Dr. Teo Boon Heng, Aca­d­e­m­ic Direc­tor

Think Teach Acad­e­my Pte. Ltd.

[1] PSLE New Scor­ing Sys­tem:

[2] Removal of Mid-year Exam­i­na­tions:

[3] Full Sub­ject-based Band­ing:

[4] Post­ing Groups to Sec­ondary School:

[5] “Through-train” Pro­gramme for Pri­ma­ry to Sec­ondary School

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