Over recent years, our Ministry of Education (MOE) has implemented several key education reforms with the aim of reducing the emphasis on academic results, divesting more time for students to develop holistically, harnessing their skills & talents. Teachers will have more time to design varied learning experiences, students will have higher bandwidth to discover their interests & strengths.
For primary school students, a new 1PSLE Scoring System was implemented from 2021 which transitioned from the traditional, bell-curve moderated and finely differentiated T‑Score system to a less comparative Achievement Level (AL) Banding framework. There has also been a gradual removal of tests and examinations, culminating with the most recently announced 2removal of Mid-year Examinations across all levels from 2023. In addition to these assessment-related reforms at the primary level, 3Full Subject-based Banding (FSBB) and sorting of primary students via 4Posting Groups for secondary schools come in confluence with MOE’s vision of reducing academic emphasis and eliminating fine comparisons. There has also been discussions on a 5“through-train programme” for primary to secondary school, bypassing the PSLE, albeit at its infancy stage.
Since our inception, Think Teach Academy has believed in our pedagogy of Thinking Smart & Teaching Smart. An evergreen approach is to relentlessly pursue and execute state-of-the-art student assessment methods. From 2023, Think Teach Academy will be implementing our Smart Assessment Approach, which fundamentally aims to complement MOE’s approach by reducing the emphasis on summative assessments.
2022 & Before: Our Former Assessment Approach
The former MOE System (2022 & Before) inherently emphasise on quarterly performance. It mainly includes two formative assessments (CA1 & CA2) and two summative assessments (SA1 & SA2) for all primary levels in the Academic Year. Many parents have also been through this system of assessment. As students, we were highly pressured to perform every 3 — 4 months for each assessment, and these assessments covered multiple topics and concepts from the respective syllabi in a cumulative fashion until the end-of-year examinations (SA2 or PSLE).

Think Teach Academy regularly assessed students on their academic aptitude prior to each school assessment via four quarterly Internal Assessments (I — IV), updating parents on their child’s progress before every school termly assessment. This approach complemented MOE’s approach then. Students could seek extra help and support in areas where they fell short, leveling up to be well-prepared for their school’s quarterly assessments. Parents could get a rough sense of their child’s strengths and weaknesses, which were benchmarked via our quarterly student report cards.
From 2023: Our Smart Assessment Approach
With the complete removal of school CA1, CA2 and now 2Mid-year Examinations across all Primary Levels from 2023, students are instead assessed on their understanding and content mastery through more spread out and less-intense weighted assessments, regular assignments, quizzes and classroom interactions.

Our Smart Assessment Approach is fundamentally designed to assess our student’s aptitude in a more spread-out and frequent manner. One key feature is the Block Diagnostic Quiz (BDQ) will be conducted at the end of every Block of 4 lessons, in a less formal way that quizzes students on topics covered in the past three lessons. This will support students in a more consistent and regular fashion, preparing them for their school’s formative quizzes and weighted assessments as and when they may arise.
Another key feature of the BDQ is its pegging of difficulty level to the PSLE. This is in confluence with MOE’s AL Banding System, where there is no bell-curve or moderation of marks and grades from the actual submitted examination papers. This will allow parents to get raw and accurate feedback on their child’s actual understanding and mastery of content. Students and parents have been and will continue to be regularly updated on their child’s performance every four weeks, giving them an insight to their child’s aptitude in a more frequent manner.
The soft launch of our Smart Assessment Approach was rolled out in the second half of 2022 for testing and feedback from parents. We were glad to receive overwhelming support for this new assessment initiative. Kelvin Ang, a popular Daddy Blogger who runs Cheekiemonkie , and father to one of our beloved students Ale, had something to say about our new assessment approach:
You can find out more from them here: https://www.cheekiemonkie.net/2022/08/think-teach-academy-singapore-review.html

If you have further questions or would like to speak with me personally, please feel free to contact me at boon@thinkteachacademy.com or (+65) 8699 2396. We look forward to supporting your child as we traverse and adapt to the new education philosophies for the nation.
Dr. Teo Boon Heng, Academic Director
Think Teach Academy Pte. Ltd.
[1] PSLE New Scoring System: https://www.moe.gov.sg/microsites/psle-fsbb/psle/changing-psle-scoring-system.html
[2] Removal of Mid-year Examinations: https://www.moe.gov.sg/news/forum-letter-replies/20220317-removal-of-mid-year-exams-will-help-nurture-joy-for-learning
[3] Full Subject-based Banding: https://www.moe.gov.sg/microsites/psle-fsbb/full-subject-based-banding/main.html
[4] Posting Groups to Secondary School: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/secondary-school-subject-based-banding-posting-groups-form-classes-3311176
[5] “Through-train” Programme for Primary to Secondary School https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/moe-still-considering-through-train-programmes-primary-1-secondary-4-several-issues-remain-chan-chun-sing-3314656