Interview with the Straits Times: On MOE’s removal of mid-year exams 

Arti­cle Pub­lished On: 27 March 2023

Many par­ents, par­tic­u­lar­ly those of Pri­ma­ry 6 chil­dren, have been up in arms about MOE’s deci­sion to remove mid-year exams. Ms Con­nie Wong, a Think Teach par­ent, shared the same sen­ti­ments when she lament­ed that “with exams, pupils will devel­op stress man­age­ment skills”. A moth­er of a P6 son, Con­nie shared with the Straits Times that “Pri­ma­ry 1 to 5 would be a good time to explore one’s inter­ests. But come Pri­ma­ry 6, PSLE should be the main focus of a stu­dent”.

To quell par­ents’ con­cerns, Think Teach Acad­e­my has rolled out a series of mock exams aimed at plug­ging the gap that MOE’s deci­sion has left behind. When inter­viewed by the Straits Times, co-founder Algene Tan said that the acad­e­my will con­duct even more quizzes, tests and assess­ments to “keep stu­dents on their toes” and “show par­ents their child’s progress”. The aim of such assess­ments is also “to locate prob­lem areas ear­ly so that [there is] ample time to address the issue.

At Think Teach, we are clear on what we want to help stu­dents achieve at every stage of their learn­ing jour­ney. We have expert­ly designed our cur­ricu­lum to reflect this.

Pri­ma­ry 1 to 2: Dis­cov­er your love for learn­ing

Pri­ma­ry 3 to 4: Explore your inter­ests

Pri­ma­ry 5 to 6: Pre­pare for PSLE suc­cess

Sec­ondary 1 to 4: Pre­pare for stream­ing and GCE N and O Lev­el

Since Pri­ma­ry 5 to 6 are cru­cial PSLE prepa­ra­tion years, we do not believe that the com­plete removal of mid-year exams would be help­ful. That is why Think Teach stu­dents will be giv­en a quiz every 4 lessons, a mid-year exam and a final-year exam. 

Do you agree with our approach? Let us know your thoughts!

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