Natalie joined our P5 Mathematics class at the start of 2022. She had been doing well in P4, scoring 90 and above. However, in her first P5 weighted assessment, she only scored a total of 60%.

Confused as to why there was a sudden drop in grades, her mum decided to enlist the help of Think Teach Academy, hoping for Natalie to be able to score AL1s for Maths again.
In our first lesson with her, we reviewed her P5 weighted assessment and was able to diagnose that she was able to apply the Model-Drawing technique to the Whole Number word problems, but was not confident in tackling sums that involved fractions and ratios. After several lessons, Natalie shared with us that she came to realise her preferred method of Model-Drawing was not able to help her solve most of the higher-order Paper 2 Fraction and Ratio problem sums that she had encountered in TTA’s Math worksheet.
For example, the question below is a higher order Fraction and Ratio problem sum commonly seen in Primary 5 Math papers. Most students will always find it intuitive to use Model Drawing to solve such a question. However, as this question is more complex than the usual Model Drawing question, students will usually get stuck and not know how to proceed to solve even with the models drawn.

For the question above, Natalie was taught how it can be solved using the Before-Change-After technique as follows:

In Think Teach Academy, we teach our students to identify question types regardless of the proportions used in the question and to apply the effective techniques consistently. For Natalie’s case, we started to expose her to other techniques such as the Before-Change-After and Repeated Entity. With time, she was able to understand how such techniques could be applied regardless of whether the problem sums are in whole numbers, ratio or fraction. She was able to change her mindset and started having a structured approach in tackling problem sums which was able to give her consistent results.
When we moved to the topic of Percentage, because of the good foundation that we had set for Natalie in Fractions and Ratio, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the past techniques taught to her could also be applied in the Percentage topic! We are glad that she could appreciate our approach to Math and have made good improvements. A jump of grades from 60% to 100% in her recent P5 weighted assessment is impressive
If you would like to learn more of such techniques, you can watch and learn from our teaching video here.