How to Ignite Academic Interest in Young Students

Ever felt it a struggle to get your child interested in learning? Read on to find out the tips we have curated for igniting academic interest in young students!

Ever felt it a strug­gle to get your child inter­est­ed in learn­ing? As a learn­ing cen­ter that is cen­tered around prepar­ing young stu­dents for the PSLE, we are all too famil­iar with the reluc­tant stu­dents who drag their feet to class for the first few lessons. How­ev­er, after being exposed to our cur­ricu­lum, our stu­dents keep com­ing back to learn more. Want to know our secret? Read on to find out the tips we have curat­ed for ignit­ing aca­d­e­m­ic inter­est in young stu­dents!

Answer the question of Why

Dis­cov­er­ing the won­ders of learn­ing with TTA

First­ly, many chil­dren often ques­tion the use of learn­ing class­room cur­ricu­lum. Often, all that is told to them is that they have to do well in their exams in order to get into a ‘good’ school, obtain a ‘good’ degree, work in a ‘good’ com­pa­ny, and live life hap­pi­ly. How­ev­er, what is the point of learn­ing all the things they learn in school besides pos­si­bly secur­ing a good path in life? This is the side to learn­ing that is not often shown to stu­dents. Almost iron­i­cal­ly, very few stu­dents know the pur­pose of learn­ing what they learn in schools, and are hence unmo­ti­vat­ed to learn what they deem as ‘unim­por­tant’. It is impor­tant to show them the impor­tance of learn­ing this infor­ma­tion, so that they under­stand why they are learn­ing it, and gain moti­va­tion to learn it well. In order to do this, you can let them see the rel­e­vance of what they learn in schools in their dai­ly life. For exam­ple, in our Sci­ence class­es, sci­ence con­cepts are linked to real-life sce­nar­ios, where we dis­cuss the gen­er­a­tion of elec­tric­i­ty through solar pan­els at the top of Supertrees at Gar­dens by the Bay. In our P1/P2 Chi­nese June Hol­i­day Pro­gramme, we also con­duct­ed the les­son through at show and tell for­mat, cre­at­ing a more inter­ac­tive and fun envi­ron­ment for our stu­dents to learn in.

Learning doesn’t have to be boring

TTA’s Imag­i­nary Math­e­mat­ics Hol­i­day Trip

Anoth­er way to get young stu­dents moti­vat­ed to learn is to make learn­ing fun. After all, who wants to learn when it is all hard work and no play? Incor­po­rate play into learn­ing, so that your child can view learn­ing in a pos­i­tive light, and will be moti­vat­ed to learn. For exam­ple, in our recent­ly con­clud­ed Pri­ma­ry 1 and Pri­ma­ry 2 June Hol­i­day Pro­gramme, we incor­po­rate fun themes and games into class­es to get the young stu­dents excit­ed about learn­ing. In our Math class­es, we also incor­po­rat­ed a fun ele­ment of puz­zle solv­ing to help stu­dents learn about the math con­cept of ‘after’ and ‘between’ with a num­ber line and deep­en their under­stand­ing of num­ber posi­tions.

Make Learning Hands-On

TTA’s very own Dra­ma game

Learn­ing can be monot­o­nous at times, where stu­dents sim­ply lis­ten to a teacher drone on and on about the cur­ricu­lum, and then do the many prac­tice ques­tions required of them. But it doesn’t always have to be this way! Giv­ing your child the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn through oth­er more active meth­ods can be enrich­ing and reward­ing, as they are more like­ly to remem­ber what they have learnt that way, and will enjoy it when they are learn­ing. For exam­ple, you can cre­ate a project for your child to com­plete while learn­ing what is required of their cur­ricu­lum. In our P1/P2 Sci­ence lessons, we are launch­ing an elec­tron­ic vehicle/robot mak­ing project which allows our young stu­dents to learn how elec­tri­cal cir­cuits work through a hands-on project, rel­e­vant to the MOE syl­labus. For our P1/P2 Eng­lish class­es, we also start with a sim­ple dra­ma game that sup­ports the les­son objec­tives and eas­es the stu­dents into the les­son.

All in all, learn­ing class­room cur­ricu­lum can be bor­ing to young stu­dents when it is monot­o­nous and detached to them. Show your child the rel­e­van­cy of learn­ing such infor­ma­tion, and make learn­ing fun with hands-on activ­i­ties to increase their moti­va­tion for learn­ing!

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