TTA’s feature in a South Korean Documentary

Recently, we received the most unexpected email. It was from the Korea Educational Broadcasting System or better known in short as EBS. Before we received this email, we did not know much about the EBS. But they seemed to know a lot about us. Our curiosity was no doubt piqued - why would a news outlet from South Korea contact us so suddenly and unexpectedly?

Recent­ly, we received the most unex­pect­ed email. It was from the Korea Edu­ca­tion­al Broad­cast­ing Sys­tem or bet­ter known in short as EBS. Before we received this email, we did not know much about the EBS. But they seemed to know a lot about us. Our curios­i­ty was no doubt piqued — why would a news out­let from South Korea con­tact us so sud­den­ly and unex­pect­ed­ly?

The answer hum­bled and excit­ed us. Out of a num­ber of Sin­ga­pore edu­ca­tion cen­tres the EBS had con­sid­ered, we, as well as our stu­dents and par­ents, were cho­sen to fea­ture in their upcom­ing doc­u­men­tary. In choos­ing the right cen­tre, sev­er­al fac­tors were tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion. Chief among them were the track record of the cen­tre, as well as on-the-ground reviews and impres­sions. We swelled up with pride know­ing that we were adjudged to have passed both cri­te­ria with fly­ing colours!

As part of the doc­u­men­tary, we were to share our thoughts on pri­ma­ry school edu­ca­tion in Sin­ga­pore, and show­case how we guide stu­dents to achieve suc­cess in the PSLE. What the EBS want­ed to find out and share with their view­ers in South Korea was why and how Sin­ga­pore stu­dents can grow to be what many regard as the most capa­ble and com­pe­tent learn­ers in the world.

For those of you who, like us, may not be aware of the EBS, EBS is a major tele­vi­sion and radio net­work owned by the gov­ern­ment of South Korea. As its name sug­gests, the EBS focus­es main­ly on pro­duc­ing edu­ca­tion­al relat­ed con­tent, with its most recent project being a 10-episode doc­u­men­tary on edu­ca­tion around the world — fea­tur­ing coun­tries such as South Korea, the Unit­ed States, Ger­many, Fin­land, France, Aus­tralia, Israel, Esto­nia, and of course, Sin­ga­pore.

The 10-episode docu-series on edu­ca­tion around the world is envi­sioned to be one of their biggest and most ambi­tious projects. For the Sin­ga­pore seg­ment, the EBS decid­ed to shine the spot­light on Think Teach. The EBS team flew down to Sin­ga­pore to meet with our team, scru­ti­nise our teach­ing mate­ri­als, film our lessons, inter­view our stu­dents, par­ents and teach­ers, and even fol­lowed one of our stu­dents to col­lect his PSLE results in school.

The film­ing process was very inten­sive and gru­elling and took place over 3 short days in Novem­ber. Despite the hec­tic sched­ule, it was a won­der­ful and heart­en­ing expe­ri­ence. While we have worked with our local news media in Sin­ga­pore before, we had not yet got­ten the chance to work with a for­eign news out­let. It was inter­est­ing to speak with them and dis­cov­er how high­ly regard­ed our edu­ca­tion sys­tem in Sin­ga­pore is out­side of our tiny red dot.

This episode (no pun intend­ed) with the EBS made us proud to be prod­ucts of the Sin­ga­pore edu­ca­tion sys­tem. It made us even more proud that we, as edu­ca­tors, are still part of the sys­tem that is fly­ing our nation­al flag on a glob­al scale. Need­less to say, we will con­tin­ue to hone our craft and main­tain our stan­dards so as to sup­port the qual­i­ty of edu­ca­tion in Sin­ga­pore. We will also do our utmost to help per­pet­u­ate the suc­cess of Singapore’s edu­ca­tion sys­tem and its revered rep­u­ta­tion around the world. We can­not wait for this doc­u­men­tary to air on the ten­ta­tive date of August 2023.

Rest assured that once we get our hands on the episode, we will share it loud­ly and proud­ly with you. Watch out for it!

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