Are you unhappy with the stream your child was posted to for secondary school? Fret not! There is always a chance for you to switch streams even in secondary school. We detail this, and more about adapting to secondary school in our newest blogpost.
Teacher Gen is one of our longest-serving teachers. Many would know her as our Head of Science and regard her as an impressive teacher. But here’s a seldom known fact about Teacher Gen: she comes from a family steeped in pride and pedigree – for teaching that is!
We’re sure you’ve heard about the recent saga surrounding the way SEAB marks PSLE mathematics papers after a handful of students who usually score well for their school mathematics papers scored badly in the PSLE. We give our thoughts on this, analyse the PSLE mathematics paper, and offer you tips on helping your child to score all in our latest blogpost.
Most primary school students go through the daily grind of these four subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Mother Tongue. These subjects provide them with knowledge about the world and sharpen their analytical and creative thinking skills. However, is what children learn in schools today enough to help them navigate their lives as young adults?
Recently, we received the most unexpected email. It was from the Korea Educational Broadcasting System or better known in short as EBS. Before we received this email, we did not know much about the EBS. But they seemed to know a lot about us. Our curiosity was no doubt piqued - why would a news outlet from South Korea contact us so suddenly and unexpectedly?
Many can teach. But few can be teachers. Teacher Fiona is certainly one of the few.
Certain Chinese words have the same pronunciation, despite being completely different characters and of them may seem confusing. But fear not! As we will be breaking down and explaining some of these common Chinese homophones (同音字) to you today!
As many of you have already heard, or even experienced for yourself, Singapore’s education system is set to go through reforms in the coming years. Many debate the pros and cons of these reforms, and the speed of which they are impacting our children. With this upcoming change, are you and your child prepared to step into this new, uncertain future? Read our newest blog to understand how these reforms have, and will continue to impact your child for the years to come.
Natalie experienced a sudden drop in grades when she was promoted from Primary 4 to Primary 5. Hoping to bring her grades up again, her mother enrolled her in Think Teach Academy, where we analysed the mistakes she had made and how she could improve. Equipped with the right techniques, Natalie began to improve in her mathematics assessments. Find out more about Natalie’s story in our latest blog post.