

For fam­i­lies mov­ing (back) to Sin­ga­pore, the SPERS (for Sin­ga­pore­ans or PR) or AEIS (for for­eign­ers) is the exam­i­na­tion you have to take the gain admis­sion to the best local schools in Sin­ga­pore. With years of expe­ri­ence and suc­cess under our belt, we have the right tools and teach­ers to guide your child to suc­ceed in the SPERS or AEIS place­ment exam­i­na­tions. 

Our pro­gramme com­pre­hen­sive­ly cov­ers every test­ed top­ic and is min­i­mal­ly 10 weeks long. Your child will even get to famil­iarise him­self or her­self with the SPERS/AEIS exam­i­na­tion demands with our well-designed SPERS/AEIS mock exam­i­na­tions. 

Class­es are most­ly con­duct­ed on a 1–1 pri­vate basis or in cosy and con­ducive small-group basis.

IP, GCE ‘O’ Levels &

There is a dif­fer­ence in sequence, con­tent and dif­fi­cul­ty lev­el among the var­i­ous sec­ondary school inter­na­tion­al exam­i­na­tion such as the GCE O‑Level and the IGCSE. We ensure rel­e­vance and effi­ca­cy of our class­es by assign­ing teach­ers who spe­cialise in the spe­cif­ic type of exam­i­na­tion that the stu­dent is tak­ing.

Whether our stu­dents are in the Inte­grat­ed Pro­gramme, GCE O‑Level or IGCSE track, they would be met with a Think Teach cur­ricu­lum that would not only pre­pare them well for exam­i­na­tions but also chal­lenge them to inquire, delib­er­ate and explore.

IB Diploma

The IB Diplo­ma is a demand­ing but high­ly ful­fill­ing pre-ter­tiary pro­gramme where time is of the essence. In less than 2 years, stu­dents have to pre­pare for their final exam­i­na­tions as well as com­plete and ace a series of course­work for each and every sub­ject they take. In addi­tion, they would also be grad­ed on an extend­ed essay and a research essay in the The­o­ry of Knowl­edge. To help our stu­dents suc­ceed, we do not just teach them what they need to know, we also con­sult and guide our stu­dents through their assign­ments.

GCE ‘A’ Levels

With less than 2 years to pre­pare for the A lev­el exam­i­na­tions, we have strate­gi­cal­ly craft­ed our Junior Col­lege pro­grammes to be inten­sive, rel­e­vant and punchy. Con­tent mas­tery and pre­cise appli­ca­tion form the focus of every class. We pride our­selves on hav­ing mas­ter­ful teach­ers who make the dif­fi­cult easy and relat­able so stu­dents can eas­i­ly grasp impor­tant con­cepts. Their under­stand­ing of such con­cepts is then test­ed and refined as they under­go rig­or­ous prac­tice ses­sions where they apply what they have learnt answer­ing ques­tions hand­picked by us.

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