/ Primary 3–4

Ignite and develop academic interests


Our Pri­ma­ry 3 and 4 pro­grammes focus on lay­ing the right foun­da­tion for con­tent and con­cept mas­tery so that your child will be pre­pared for the steep ascend to Pri­ma­ry 5 when it comes. More­over, as your child will be new to exams, our Pri­ma­ry 3 and 4 pro­grammes will intro­duce and sharp­en their exam-tak­ing skills such as goal set­ting, time man­age­ment and answer­ing pre­ci­sion.

Programme Outlines

Mouse over (or tap on mobile) each sub­ject to view more


We see Pri­ma­ry 3 and Pri­ma­ry 4 as impor­tant for­ma­tive years for chil­dren to read wide­ly, broad­en vocab­u­lary, and be influ­enced by good writ­ing.

Expect lessons to be based on themes and lit­tered with arti­cles on thought pro­vok­ing cur­rent affairs and inter­est­ing triv­ia knowl­edge. The aim is to get your child excit­ed to read and learn which will then make for the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to teach him or her to appre­ci­ate the beau­ty of the Eng­lish lan­guage.

Content Coverage

— Con­tin­u­ous Writ­ing (Junior Writ­ing Class Pro­gramme)
— Paper 2 (Full Eng­lish Pro­gramme)
— Oral (Full Eng­lish Pro­gramme)
— TTA Smart Study Notes of Sig­na­ture Tech­niques


Pri­ma­ry 3 and Pri­ma­ry 4 are the first two years your child will learn and be test­ed on Sci­ence. We want to bring out the sci­en­tist in your child and make sure the expe­ri­ence of learn­ing sci­ence is a mem­o­rable one.

Expect sci­ence con­cepts to be taught through hands-on exper­i­ments, teacher demon­stra­tions and engag­ing videos. Exam excel­lence will also not be ignored as your child will learn to apply con­cepts as well as our answer­ing struc­tures to a series of prac­tice ques­tions.

Content Coverage

— MOE Pre­scribed Top­ics from P3 to P4
— Prac­tice Ques­tions for Book­let A (MCQ) and Book­let B (Appli­ca­tion Ques­tions)
— TTA Con­cept Notes
— TTA Tem­plat­ed Answer­ing Struc­tures for Book­let B


P3 and P4 Math­e­mat­ics begin to involve visu­al­i­sa­tion of num­ber pat­terns and geo­met­ric shapes. In addi­tion to learn­ing var­i­ous heuris­tics to solve word prob­lems on paper, your child will be chal­lenged with hands-on activ­i­ties where he or she learns to visu­alise the for­ma­tion of com­plex shapes, pat­terns and num­ber sequences.

Content Coverage

— MOE Pre­scribed Top­ics from P3 to P4
— Prac­tice Ques­tions for Papers 1 and 2
— TTA Smart Study Notes of Sig­na­ture Tech­niques

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