Level Primary 6


Kae­den received AL3 for his Chi­nese which is same as Pre­lim. AL1 for Eng­lish which he has nev­er achieved before. Teacher Sharon and Algene will be thrilled to know that. Over­all AL9. We are very grate­ful for your teach­ings and…


We came across TTA through an FB ad when it first start­ed. We attend­ed a pre­sen­ta­tion on their teach­ing phi­los­o­phy and thought it would be a good fit for our eldest 3 years ago to pre­pare him for P6. Our…

Yuen Lam

We have enrolled our child for the Eng­lish Com­po Writ­ing pro­gramme offered by Think and Teach. Their mate­ri­als are very good, rel­e­vant, easy to under­stand and have a clear struc­ture with key areas of focus. Our girl found it very…


My daugh­ter attend­ed the Math & Sci­ence class­es for her PSLE last year. Before she joined in April, she was bare­ly pass­ing for both sub­jects. For her PSLE, her results improved so much espe­cial­ly when she scored AL2 for her…


My daugh­ter joined TTA Chi­nese class in P5 and Sci­ence class in P6. From AL6 in chi­nese, she man­aged to improve to AL3 dur­ing PSLE. And from AL5 in Sci­ence, she man­aged to improve to AL1 dur­ing PSLE. Teacher Li…


My boy did not do well in his first test dur­ing his P6 year. Giv­en lim­it­ed time on hand, we decid­ed to sign him up for online lessons at think teach. Though it’s less than 9 months to go, we…


My son start­ed going to TTA at KAP Mall from June 2021, my P6 improved from AL5 for Maths and Sci­ence for mid year to AL1 for Maths & Sci­ence for PSLE. We are hap­py we made the right deci­sion…


A very big thank you to Teacher Algene and Teacher Gen for your guid­ance and sup­port in my son’s learn­ing jour­ney in P6. Some may be skep­ti­cal about the effec­tive­ness of Zoom lessons but it worked well for us. The…

Kelvin Ang, Founder of cheekiemonkie.net

My daugh­ter attend­ed the Math & Sci­ence class­es for her PSLE last year. Before she joined in April, she was bare­ly pass­ing for both sub­jects. For her PSLE, her results improved so much espe­cial­ly when she scored AL2 for her…

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