/ Primary 1–2

Discover a love for learning


Our Pri­ma­ry 1 and 2 pro­grammes focus on lay­ing the right foun­da­tion for more advanced learn­ing in lat­er years. Activ­i­ties filled with enthralling and relat­able con­tent are incor­po­rat­ed into every les­son to not only make con­cepts eas­i­ly under­stand­able but also imbue a sense of won­der with your child so as to kick­start his or her love for learn­ing.

Programme Outlines

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The ear­ly stages of Pri­ma­ry 1 and 2 are all about get­ting your child excit­ed about learn­ing and get­ting bet­ter in the Eng­lish lan­guage. We pro­vide your child with the most encour­ag­ing envi­ron­ment to per­fect the basics of the lan­guage and build his or her con­fi­dence in read­ing, writ­ing and speak­ing.

Content Coverage

— Gram­mar
— Vocab­u­lary
— Sen­tence For­ma­tion
— Read­ing Com­pre­hen­sion
— Oral
— Nar­ra­tive Writ­ing


Intro­duc­ing basic Math­e­mat­ics to your young child will involve engag­ing him or her in relat­able activ­i­ties to learn every­day skills such as telling time and count­ing mon­ey. Solv­ing sim­ple prob­lem sums with basic heuris­tics skills will also be taught through inter­ac­tive group activ­i­ties and class projects.

Content Coverage

— MOE pre­scribed P1 and P2 Top­ics
— Basic Arith­metic and Heuris­tics
— Basic Prob­lem Sums


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