/ IP, GCE ‘O’ Levels & IGCSE

Achieve your goals for tertiary education

IP, GCE ‘O’ Levels &

The sec­ondary school years is the time stu­dents find their iden­ti­ty as a teenag­er. It is also the time for them to dis­cov­er their aca­d­e­m­ic inter­ests. This is why, regard­less of the sec­ondary school track (IP, Express or IGCSE), stu­dents are required to take on a great many sub­jects – Eng­lish, Moth­er Tongue, Math­e­mat­ics, the Sci­ences, and the Human­i­ties. We under­stand that this can be daunt­ing espe­cial­ly since stu­dents are pushed to study these sub­jects in much greater depth as com­pared to in pri­ma­ry school.

Our solu­tion? A young and qual­i­fied team that we have assem­bled under our sec­ondary school arm – Macro Acad­e­my –  who are not just teach­ers but also role mod­els and men­tors. Their main goal is to inspire and get the best out of every stu­dent.

As can be expect­ed from being part of the Think Teach Group, every class in Macro Acad­e­my uses an expert­ly designed cur­ricu­lum that pre­pares stu­dents well for exam­i­na­tions, while also chal­leng­ing them to inquire, delib­er­ate and explore!

We offer expert tutor­ing in

English, English Literature, History, Economics, Business, Mathematics, Physics, Chemisty, Biology

for the GCE ‘O’ Lev­els & IGCSE exam­i­na­tions.

Send an enquiry

We welcome all enquiries. Please fill in the form below to submit your enquiry. Alternatively, you may also call us at +65 9769 2396.