Natalie’s journey from achieving 60% to 100% in Math

Natalie experienced a sudden drop in grades when she was promoted from Primary 4 to Primary 5. Hoping to bring her grades up again, her mother enrolled her in Think Teach Academy, where we analysed the mistakes she had made and how she could improve. Equipped with the right techniques, Natalie began to improve in her mathematics assessments. Find out more about Natalie’s story in our latest blog post.

Natal­ie joined our P5 Math­e­mat­ics class at the start of 2022. She had been doing well in P4, scor­ing 90 and above. How­ev­er, in her first P5 weight­ed assess­ment, she only scored a total of 60%.

Con­fused as to why there was a sud­den drop in grades, her mum decid­ed to enlist the help of Think Teach Acad­e­my, hop­ing for Natal­ie to be able to score AL1s for Maths again.

In our first les­son with her, we reviewed her P5 weight­ed assess­ment and was able to diag­nose that she was able to apply the Mod­el-Draw­ing tech­nique to the Whole Num­ber word prob­lems, but was not con­fi­dent in tack­ling sums that involved frac­tions and ratios. After sev­er­al lessons, Natal­ie shared with us that she came to realise her pre­ferred method of Mod­el-Draw­ing was not able to help her solve most of the high­er-order Paper 2 Frac­tion and Ratio prob­lem sums that she had encoun­tered in TTA’s Math work­sheet.

For exam­ple, the ques­tion below is a high­er order Frac­tion and Ratio prob­lem sum com­mon­ly seen in Pri­ma­ry 5 Math papers. Most stu­dents will always find it intu­itive to use Mod­el Draw­ing to solve such a ques­tion. How­ev­er, as this ques­tion is more com­plex than the usu­al Mod­el Draw­ing ques­tion, stu­dents will usu­al­ly get stuck and not know how to pro­ceed to solve even with the mod­els drawn.

For the ques­tion above, Natal­ie was taught how it can be solved using the Before-Change-After tech­nique as fol­lows:

In Think Teach Acad­e­my, we teach our stu­dents to iden­ti­fy ques­tion types regard­less of the pro­por­tions used in the ques­tion and to apply the effec­tive tech­niques con­sis­tent­ly. For Natalie’s case, we start­ed to expose her to oth­er tech­niques such as the Before-Change-After and Repeat­ed Enti­ty. With time, she was able to under­stand how such tech­niques could be applied regard­less of whether the prob­lem sums are in whole num­bers, ratio or frac­tion. She was able to change her mind­set and start­ed hav­ing a struc­tured approach in tack­ling prob­lem sums which was able to give her con­sis­tent results.

When we moved to the top­ic of Per­cent­age, because of the good foun­da­tion that we had set for Natal­ie in Frac­tions and Ratio, she was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised to find that the past tech­niques taught to her could also be applied in the Per­cent­age top­ic! We are glad that she could appre­ci­ate our approach to Math and have made good improve­ments. A jump of grades from 60% to 100% in her recent P5 weight­ed assess­ment is impres­sive

If you would like to learn more of such tech­niques, you can watch and learn from our teach­ing video here.

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